There are so many cuties in Hollywood I love it every time I see a show and a cute guy is in it I fall in love or if someone sings a song I like of course you can't help loving them ecsepically if it is about a girl that he is in love with. I just imagine I am the girl in the movie the cute guy kisses or the girl the song is about and he is singing about me or to me. Life is great in my head! I really wish that I could live in Hollywood! These are just a few of the many amazing guys in Hollywood!
10- Dane Cook he is so cute and funny he is in Employee of the month and he is just so cute

4-James Marsden oh my I love him in 27 dresses. He is also in Enchanted, Hairspray and The Notebook he is so cute. And oh my alanta just look at this picture oh baby!

3- Zac Efron He is so cute in Hairspray and the High school musicals to bad his girlfriend is a beast!!

I LOVE DAVID ARCHULETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the line, "life is so good in my head"! I am still laughing. That's a good list. I agree with most of them except for Archie, the Jonas Bros., and Jude Law. Ewww!
I was laughing at that line too. I actually don't know who half of those boys are. I guess I am totally out of the loop when it comes to Hollywood.
wow all t hose boys are pretty dang cute!!!
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